The Scripture and Poetry of Lent
On the seven Wednesday evenings of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17, and continuing through Holy Week, Barbara Chaapel will lead an online devotional study based on the texts of scripture for Lent, the poetry of Mary Oliver, and simple spiritual practices we can share during the week.
Each session will include reading and reflection on a text of scripture, reading and reflection on one or two poems by Mary Oliver that are related to the week’s scripture text, sharing a spiritual practice for the week, and prayer. The class will meet each Wednesday through March 31 from 5-6 PM.
Each week, the biblical texts and poems from Mary Oliver’s collection Devotions will illumine each other and point to simple practices we can use in our lives. We will read the scripture text and the poems aloud and share through prompts, much as in the practice of lectio divina, how they interact with our lives. The poems, along with the texts of scripture for each week, will be sent to participants before the class.
Whether you love poetry or are sometimes afraid of it; whether you love scripture or are sometimes confused by it—please join us in this community of intentional devotion each Lenten Wednesday as the lengthening day turns toward evening.
The poems, along with the texts of scripture for each week, will be sent to participants before the class; registration is required; please register below. For questions, contact Barbara Chaapel.