Filtering by: ConversationsWorthHaving

Conversations Worth Having
10:00 AM10:00

Conversations Worth Having

  • First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who we are, our cultures, backgrounds, and communities, invariably (and appropriately) shape how we read the Bible.  But what if our background skews our understanding of scripture in a  way that leads away from the Gospel, even to idolatry?  What then?  In this year’s Schneider Speaker Series, Dr. Brian Blount, president emeritus of Union Presbyterian Seminary, will help us explore the ways we read the Bible, with a particular focus on Christian Nationalism.  Registration is required; click to register, or call the church office (215-567-0532).

A light lunch will be provided.  Child care will be made available upon request.

On-street parking is available with placard.

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to Mar 11

CANCELLED: Wednesday Lenten Series: Unpacking Everyday Bias

Unpacking Everyday Bias

Wednesdays March 4 - April 1
Brown Bag Lunch & Conversation @ 12 noon OR Soup & Conversation @ 6:30 pm

Our Conversations Worth Having event in January left many of us wanting more; as we read through the survey feedback, it was clear that the majority of participants wanted to continue the conversation by sharing a meal and talking through what we learned.  In order to facilitate this, Baron Mullis, Barbara Chaapel, Ken Ross and Delores Brisbon have received training from our January presenter, Dr. Eve Higginbotham.

These Wednesday conversations are the first installment in Keeping our Conversation Going.  Bring a brown bag lunch on Wednesdays at noon, or come Wednesday evenings at 6:30 for a soup supper and a chance to continue to engage more deeply with one another.  We’ll unpack Chapter 7 from Everyday Bias (Howard J. Ross) that we read for the January workshop.  Copies of Chapter 7 are available; please email the church office  to request a copy.

Everyone is welcome!  Our hope is that folks can commit to attending the majority of the 5 weekly sessions, but you are certainly welcome to attend as many sessions as you are able.  We are requesting RSVPs for the evening sessions so that we prepare the right quantity of soup—please register below or by calling the church office (215-567-0532).  There is no need to register for the Brown-Bag Lunch session at noon.  On-street parking is available with placard for the evening sessions. We hope to see you there!

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Conversations Worth Having
12:00 PM12:00

Conversations Worth Having

Learning to Disengage from Bias

This year our Conversations Worth Having event will be held on MLK weekend, Saturday, January 18, from 12 noon to 4 pm. 

The topic is one of vital importance to us as a nation: How do we come to terms with our own biases?  Perhaps they are racial, perhaps economic…how do we identify what we are burdened with that keeps us from being the Christians we are called to be?

Our facilitator for the day will be Dr. Eve Higginbotham, Vice Dean for Inclusion and Diversity of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Lunch will be provided; parallel programming for children will also be included. On-street parking is available with placard.

What better way to give thanks for Dr. King’s life than to engage in the very sort of examination of our own lives and discipleship that leads to the sort of beloved community Dr. King believed possible. 

Anyone with an interest in this topic is invited to attend. Please register!

These pre-workshop reading materials will enhance our conversation! (Print copies are available at the church; call or email to request a copy.)

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Conversations Worth Having
10:00 AM10:00

Conversations Worth Having

Engaging in “conversations worth having” is one of the most important things we can experience for ourselves and model for the world.  That’s why we’re partnering with the Presbyterian Foundation to share this conversation with Bill Enright with other churches in our area.  This year we are going to talk about giving – and it’s more than money.

Why a conversation about giving?  We can never take giving for granted.  We must cultivate our ability to have good conversations about the church and its finances.

William G. Enright, Ph.D. served a long and distinguished career in parish ministry, including twenty-five years as the Senior Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis before retiring from ministry to lead the Lake Institute on Philanthropy and Giving.  Under Bill’s Leadership, Second Church saw ministry-changing growth in both their annual giving and their endowment.

Anyone with an interest in this topic is invited to attend. Registration is required:  click to register.

On-street parking is available with placard.

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